Spotlight Sneak Peak: How To Talk To Your Reps About Your BRAND
Learn how to talk to your reps about your brand in this
exclusive Elite Program BTS
One of the key features of our yearlong Elite Program is the opportunity to submit for and attend twice-monthly Spotlight Group Coaching Calls, hosted by one of our Expert Coaches, to receive personalized coaching on any topic.
Recently, one of our awesome Elite Clients, Freddie Kuguru, came to a Spotlight Group Coaching Call for guidance on how to best communicate his “Gold Medal Roles” to his reps.
Using the strategies in Get Rich In Your Niche (our branding/marketing course), he identified the roles for which he’s best suited, and created a Track Record Report and a Bookability Sheet (explanations of both below) to communicate them to his reps and casting directors. During the Spotlight, Coach Cecily helped Freddie develop a specific strategy to use these resources to communicate these roles to his reps.
Watch a clip of their coaching here to learn for yourself:
But if you’re first wondering…
“What the heck is a Track Record Report or Bookability Sheet?”
Great question!
Track Record ReportA spreadsheet that helps you SHOW reps – not tell – how bookable you are. It’ll give them a great idea on the roles that they should be pitching you on. AND, it’s not based on gut, it’s based on hard data.
Bookability SheetA 1-page document illustrating 3-4 of your Gold Medal Roles with headshots/screen shots that reflect their essence using breakdowns you see, breakdowns you’ve written or breakdowns of roles you’ve been cast in.
Here’s Freddie’s Bookability Sheet that he shared in the video:

If you liked what you learned from Coach Cecily and Freddie’s session, and you’re looking for a supportive, nurturing community of actors dedicated to building a sustainable and fulfilling career with the support of our Expert Coaches, make sure to check out the details of the Elite Coaching and Mastermind Program.