
I went from making only a couple thousand dollars acting one year, to $32,000 the following year. Read on to find out how.
I am a Los Angeles-based actor. I was born and raised in Long Beach and was interested in acting from a very young age. My parents wouldn’t let me do it professionally, so I joined every school play I could. In high school, I joined D.T.A.S.C. and made it to the finals playing Brutus from Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. After high school, I was accepted to USC with a major in Public Relations. I found out about USC’s prestigious B.F.A. program that only accepts 20 students out of more than 800 applicants and asked my parents if I could apply, which would mean giving up P.R. since the B.F.A. program is too intense and doesn’t allow double majoring. Thinking I wouldn’t get in, they let me audition. Well, I was accepted and joined the ranks of Beck Bennett (SNL) and Deborah Woll (True Blood, Daredevil).
After graduation, I was quickly repped and booked a small co-star on Hannah Montana. But I had my young eyes set on traveling the world and left acting to go dye my hair red, get tattooed, live in Australia, Philadelphia, Flagstaff, New Zealand, and visit the Galapagos Islands. By the end of my travels, I had to figure out what I was going to do with my life, thinking I had given up on acting. After contemplating everything from nursing to veterinary, I had to admit that acting was my one true love and the only job I would ever enjoy suffering for.
So, in 2016 I began my journey back into acting. I felt lost and uncertain about if I was doing anything right or how to move my own career forward. I felt like I was so far behind my classmates in terms of success. In 2020, I found Career ACTivate and it forever changed the way I viewed my career. I suddenly had focus, tools I could use, steps that were actively speeding me towards my goals, and for the first time ever…community.
In 2021, during my year in the Elite Coaching & Mastermind Program, I booked my first union Co-Star on Bosch: Legacy, 5 commercials, the lead in a film, and joined the union, making $32,000 from my acting.
Outside of acting, I love to write, go camping, am a huge book nerd, and cuddle my two pups, Charlie and Max.