FOX Casting Change: Now Exclusively Using Casting Networks
FOX Casting Change: Now Exclusively Using Casting Networks
Today, I’ll be sharing what I have learned about FOX’s shift from previously using Breakdown Services (Actor’s Access) to now using Casting Networks (LA Casting).
FOX has used their casting process for years! So, the FOX casting shift is a significant change, and we encourage all of you aspiring actors to continue reading for additional information! Handling casting networks correctly could be your ticket to getting those casting calls that you have been dying to receive!
How Does This Affect You As An Actor?
First, we must understand all of our theatrical materials in Casting Networks.
Actors from Los Angeles typically use, and actors outside of Los Angeles typically use
Before we get into it, if you don’t have a Casting Networks profile, create one. If you do have a profile, make sure you upload your updated resume, theatrical headshots, reels, relevant clips, etc.
Next, make sure you link to your theatrical reps. You have to add your agency to your account through a code. You can’t just type it in. If your rep hasn’t already sent it, contact them for this code.
If you have reps in more than one market, you should create a Casting Networks profile for yourself and add your agency.
Pro Tip: If you have two local hire reps, you only need to add all your photos/footage/resume once. You can then call Casting Networks and have them copy it all over to your other profile. You will get one free photo upload for each network you belong to.
Do You Have To Make A New Profile If You Already Have An Account On LA Casting?
There is a lot of conflicting information going around about this. Many agents, managers, and casting directors have not been able to speak to Casting Networks directly. Because of this, some reps are also getting second-hand information, which makes things even more confusing.Supposedly, once theatrical reps have accounts set up for themselves, they will be able to add their client roster and their client’s profile (at no cost to the actor). Actors will have separate profiles for commercial and theatrical there.That being said, since Casting Networks is so backed up right now, many reps aren’t sure what to tell their clients the next steps are as they are having difficulty getting through to Casting Networks. Also, many people are having trouble getting their personal accounts on LA Casting set up in a timely fashion, so many reps are unsure of the best next steps for everyone in this case.
The Skinny: What Have I Learned About Casting Network Los Angeles Thus Far?
Cast It and Casting Networks have now merged.
Cast It is the platform that is used for casting to upload and share our auditions with studios for approval.
Casting Networks, known to Los Angeles actors as LA Casting, is a platform previously used to send out breakdowns for commercial projects to agents and managers, and a place where actors had profiles to commercially market themselves.
All of this is changing a bit as Cast It & Casting Networks have merged. FOX has now announced that they will exclusively be using Casting Networks to release their breakdowns (actually called “briefs” through this platform) for all their projects – both theatrical and commercial.
Casting Networks is now being used for both commercial and theatrical breakdowns/briefs.
Why Did FOX Make This Decision?
According to
“[Fox TV Group EVP Sharon Klein had been an early adopter and big fan of Cast It, a paid application used by several studios and networks. Since Fox started using it a decade ago, the company has been rechecking its security system each year. While Casting Networks had been talking to Fox about a possible collaboration for a while, when POV Partners recently acquired the company and Cast It in short succession, they made a pitch about a secure end-to-end platform.
“It was a way to make a streamlined process for our casting directors, so everything is all in one- briefs, sides, headshots, résumés, demo reels, auditions and all in a secure system,” Klein said.]”
Casting Networks & Cast It have developed advanced technology. For example, Casting Networks can easily delete takes in session while taping actors, ultimately making things much more comfortable for them.
Also, the studios were told that they had developed a new level of security. Studios don’t want info about breakdowns to be getting out publicly, as they believe it weakens the projects.
It seems like other studios may also follow suit and release their breakdowns through Casting Networks, as there are a lot of pros for all involved. Casting Networks and several studios were also apparently told that using this platform would not cost actors anything.
Thus far, I’ve found that this not to be the case. Cast It & LA Casting are free for a basic membership, but if you want a premium membership, you have to pay (and the prices are significantly higher than Breakdown Services). I was told by a major casting office to voice my concerns about the cost of Casting Networks because the studios were excited about it not costing actors money.
The official transition of FOX casting moving to using Casting Networks was announced to begin Nov. 20th, but breakdowns/briefs have already been being released through Casting Networks. Only time will tell the future of casting on FOX.
Hope this is helpful for you all. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions, and if we get any additional information about network casting, we’ll be sure to update this post. Now get over to Casting Networks, get your materials live, and meet casting directors from Fox TV in no time!
-Coach Jenna